Relates the surprising gifts bestowed on twelve-year-old Bob Barnhart and his family, who have recently moved to a small Illinois town in 1958, by their larger-than-life neighbor, Mrs. Dowdel.
Fourteen-year-old Valkyrie and the skeleton mage, Skulduggery Pleasant, try to foil a plot set in motion fifty years before to find and open the gate that will allow the Faceless Ones to return to this reality.
Halloween is coming. Our storytimes next week will all be Halloween themed. So come in costume and enjoy the trick or treat parade through the library.
Fourteen-year-old Valkyrie and the skeleton mage, Skulduggery Pleasant, try to foil a plot set in motion fifty years before to find and open the gate that will allow the Faceless Ones to return to this reality.
Shows how, while on a camping trip in 1903 with world-famous naturalist John Muir in Yosemite National Park, President Theodore Roosevelt formed his position on conservation, deciding to set aside new national parks and monuments to preserve wilderness lands for future generations.